F&B — Batai
Ben’s General Food Store

F&B — Batai
Ben’s General Food Store by Big Group created their very own graphic artwork in conjunction with the launch of their new menu and had that same theme on the walls of the cosy dining area in their Plaza Batai outlet — the outcome is a bright and inviting space for diners. The wallcoverings on which this custom artwork was printed on is from Waltex’s contract vinyl range. These wallcoverings meets or exceeds all requirements of the Federal Specification CCC-W-408D and W-101 — a 15-page document containing all the requirements, rescinding of, and reinstatement of federal guidelines pertaining to wallcovering that includes a vinyl coating. It is also an antimicrobial wallcovering that is resistant to fungi, bacteria and pink stain, a suitable feature especially for a restaurant where customers are in extremely close proximity and within hand’s reach to the walls. The wallcovering is fire rated to Class A – ASTM E-84, washable and certified for good light fastness.
Environmental and Health
• Recyclable through the Second Look Program
• Meets State of Washington Building Specification for Indoor
Air Quality (Low VOC)
• Meets California Section 01350 Indoor Air Quality Standard
(Low VOC)
• Water Based Inks
• Cadmium and Mercury Free
MR – Construction Waste Management
EQ – Indoor Environmental Quality – Low Emitting Materials